A bibliography of Secondary Sources Consulted as Part of the TPA Research Project into the Development of Commercial Routes in the Southeast of North America

A bibliography of Secondary Sources Consulted as Part of the TPA Research Project into the Development of Commercial Routes in the Southeast of North America 

(With apologies for the formatting lost in translation)

Abernethy, Thomas Perkins, Three Virginia Frontiers, Baton Rouge: Lousiana State University Press, 1940 The Walter Lynwood Fleming Lectures in Southern History. ColHis/NA
d'Abbeville, Sanson, Translated by Pauline Carson Blochy and Robert Martinon, edited by Louis M. Bloch, Jr. America,, 1667. Cleveland: Bloch and Company (1959). America,, 1667. Cleveland: Bloch and Company , 1959 ColHis/NA
Adams, James Truslow, editor in chief.Atlas of American History New York: CVharles Scribner's Sons 1943 Ref
Akins, Bill. The Unicoi Turnpike Trail: A Path Through Time. Etowa, TN: Tenn essee Overhill Heritage Association . 2008 NA/Xport Tech
Adair, James,  ed. Samuel Cole WilliamsAdair's History of the American Indian  (Johnson City, TN: Watauga Press, 1930). Adair's History of the American Indian (Johnson City: Watauga Press, 1930 NA
Adams, Samuel Hopkins.  The Erie Canal. New York: Random House,1953). New York: Random House, 1953 Xport
Alden, John R. John Stuart and the Southern Colonial Frontier, 1754-1775 Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press1944h NA/Trade
Allen, David Grayson. In English Ways: The Movement of Societies and the Transferal of English Local Law and Custom to Massachusetts Bay in the Seventeenth Century. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press (1981). Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1981 Col
Allen, Theodore W. The Invention of the White Race, 2 vol Chicago Verso Corporation 1994, 1997 Race and Slavery
Alsberg, Henry G., ed. The American Guide: The South and the Southwest, 1 of 4 volumes. New York: Hastings House (1949) The American Guide: The South and the Southwest, 1 of 4 volumes. New York: Hastings House . 1949 Ref
Alvord, Clarence Walworth and Bidgood, Lee, The first explorations of the Trans-Allegheny region by the Virginians, 1650-1674, Cleveland:, Arthur H. Clark Co. 1912 Col
American Association of State Highway Officials. Public Roads of the Past, 3500 B.C. to 1800 A.D. Washington, DC: American Association of Highway Officials. 1952 xport tech
Anderson, Virginia DeJohn. Creatures of Empire: How Domestic Animals Transformed Early America. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004 ColHis and Environment
Andrews, Charles M., ed. Narratives of the Insurrections, 1675-1690. Cranbury, NJ: Scholar’s Bookshelf 195/2005. ColHis
Anon A History of Roads in Virginia: "the most convenient ways" Richmond, VA Virginia Department of Transportation
Arnor, Robert D. The Lost Colony in Literature. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources 1983 ColHis
Axtell, James. Imagining the Other: First Encounters in North America. Washington, DC: American Historical Association, 1991 NA
_____________. The Indians' New South: Cultural Exchange in the Colonial Southeasst Baton Rouge Louisiana State Press 1997 NA
Bailey, Abigail Abbot, Traves, Ann, ed.Religion and Domestic Violence in Early New England: The Memoirs of Abigail Abbot Bailey. Bloominton: Indiana University Press. 1989
Bailyn, Bernard. Voyagers to the West:A Passage in the Peopling of America on the Eve of the Revolution. New York: Alfred A. Knope, 1986
Baker, Emerson W., et.al. eds. American Beginnings: Exploration, Culture, and Cartography in the Land of Norumbega. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,1994
Baker, Steve G. The Historic Catawba Peoples: Exploratory Perspectives in Ethnohistory and Archaeology, a working draft. Department Of History, Columbia: University of South Carolina 1975
Baldwin, Leland D. The Keelboat Age on Western Waters. Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press 1941/60.80.
Ballagh, James Curtis, White servitude in the Colony of Virginia: a study of the system of indentured labor in the American colonies, (Baltimore, Kessinger Publishing, 1895
Bannon, John Francis. History of the Americas, Volume One: The Colonial Americas. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co 1952
Baptist, Edward E. Stony the Road They Trod Durham: Duke University Libraries. 2002
Barbour, PPhillip, Editor The Complete Works of Captain John Smith, 1580-1631 Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 1964, 1st Edition 3 vol
Berlin, Ira Masny Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America. Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1998
Bierer, Bert W. Indians and Artifacts of the Southeast:..... Columbia: Bierer PPublishing Company 1977
Beloff, Max. The Age of Absolutism, 1660-1815. New York: Harper Torchbooks 1962
Bennet, Lerone, Jr. Before the Mayblower: A History of the Negro in America, 1619-1964 (Revised Edition) Baltimore: Penguin Books 1962
Billings, Warren M. The Papers of Sir William Berkeley, 1605-1677. Richmond: Library of Virginia 2007
Blethen, H. Tyler and Wood, Curtis W., Jr. From Ulster to Carolina: The Migration of the Scotch-Irish to Southwestern North Carolina. Raleigh: North Carolina Division of Archives and History 1998
Blythe, Alexandriana LeGette. The Revolution in the South, 1769-1781 [Mecklenburg Bicentennial Edition].  Charlotte: Charlotte Publishers 1975
Borneman, Walter R. The French and Indian War:Deciding the Fate of North America. New York: HarperCollins 2007
Bourne, Russell.  Gods of War, Gods of Peace: How the Meeting of Native and Colonial Religions Shaped Early America. New York: Harcourt 2002
Boykin, James Handy, "Genesis of Early Carolina” (Thesis (Ed. D.) Leeds University of Leeds 1969
Bracey, Susan L. Life by the Roaring Roanoke: A History of Mecklenburg County, Virginia. Mecklenburg County The Mecklenburg County Bicentennial Commission 1977
Braund, Kathry E. Deerskins & Duffels Lincoln University of Nebraska Press1993
Briceland, Alan V. Westward from Virginia: Exploration of the Virginia-Carolina Frontier, 1650-1710 (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press 1987
Bridenbaugh, Carl. The Colonial Craftsman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1950
Brooks, James F. Captives and Cousins: Slavery, Kinship, and Community in the Southwest BorderlandsChapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 2011
Brown, Kathleen M. Good Wives Nasty Wenches & Anxious Partiarchs. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1996
Bruchey, Stuart. The Roots of American Economic Growth, 1607-1861. New York: Harper Torchbooks. 1968).
Burke, Thyomas The Poems of Governor thomas Burke of North Carolina Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources 1961
Burch, James S. Historical Outline of Road Adminstration in North Carolina Raleigh NC State Library April 1940 Prefacatory history of NC roads
Burt, Jesse and Robert Ferguson.Indians of the Southeast. Nashville: Abington Press 1973
Byrd, William II Histories of the Dividing Line Betwixt Virginia and North Carolina, Toronto,: Dover Publications 1967
Byrd, William L. III. Villany Often Goes Unpunished: Indian Records From The North Carolina General Assembly Sessions, 1675-1789. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books 2002
Calloway, Colin G. The Shawnees and the War for America. New York: The Penguin group. 2007
Carnes, Mark and Garraty, John A.. Mapping America’s Past, S Historical Atlas. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1996
Carr, Lois Green, Morgan, Philip D.,Colonial jChesapeake Society Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988
Caruso, John Anthony. The Appalachian Frontier: America's First Surge Westward. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.2003
Chambers, William Nisbet Old Bullion Benton, Senator from the New West: A Drama of Political Conflict. Boston: Little Brown and Company 1956
Chaplin, Joyce E. An Anxious Pursuit: Agricultural Innovation and Modernity in the Lower South, 1730-1815. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1993
Author Title Where Published Publisher Yar of PubAnnotatationsCatagoies
Claiborne, Jack and William Price. .Discovering North Carolina, A Tarheel Reader. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press (1991) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press (1991) 1991
Clarke, Desmond. Arthur Dobbs, Esquire, 1689-1765: Surveyor General of Ireland, Prospector and Governor of North Carolina. London: Bodley Head. 1958
Clinton, Catherine and Gillespie, Michele, eds. The Devil’s Lane: Sec and Race in the Early South. New York: Oxford University Press 1997
Coe, Joffre Lanning, "The Cultural Sequence of the Carolina Piedmont,"in Archeology of the Eastern United States edited by James B. Griffin Chicago: Unviersity of Chicago Press 1952
Coleman, R.V. The First Frontier. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1948
Conley, James F. Mineral Localities of North Carolina, Informaiton Circular 16. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development, 1958
Cook, Jeannine, ed. Columbus and the Land of Ayllon. Darien, GA: Lower Altamaha Historical Society 1990
Cooper, J. M. The Indian trading path & great wagon road across North Carolina-- highlighting Rowan & Cabarrus counties. Kannapolis: J.M. Cooper 1992
Corbitt, David Leroy. Explorations, Descriptions, and Attempted Settlements of Carolina, 1584-1590. [reprint]. London: Forgotten Books 2017 (1948)
Corkran, David C. The Cherokee Frontier: Conflict and Survival, 1740-62. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press1962
Coryell, Hubert V. The Scalp Hunters. New York: Harcourt-Brace 1936
Crane, Vernar Winslow. The Southern Frontier, 1670-1732. Durham: Duke University Press 1928
Crass, David Colin, et. al. The Southern Colonial Backcountry: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Frontier Communities. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.1998
Crow, Jeffrey J, Escott, Paul D. and Harley, Flora. A History of African Americans in North Carolina. Raleigh: Division of Archives and History, North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources. 1992
_____________. A Chronicle of North Carolina during the American Revolution, 1763-1789. Raleigh: Division of Archives and History. 1997
Cummings, W.P., Hiller, S., Quinn, D.B., and Williams, G. The Exploration of North America, 1630-1776. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons 1974
Cummings, W.P. The Discoveries of John Lederreer Charlotttesviolle Uviversity of Virginia Press 1958
______________. Mapping the North Carolina Coast: Sixteenth Century Cartography and the Roanoke Voyages. Raleigh: North Carolina Division of Archives and History 1988
______________. The Southeast in Early Maps. Third Edition, Revised & Enlarged by Louis De Vorsey, Jr. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1998
Daniels, Jonathan. The Devil's Backbone: The Story of the Natchez Trace New York: McGraw-Hill 1962
Delorme. South Carolina Atlas & Gazetteer [1st Edition]. Yarmouth: DeLorme 1998
_____________. Virginia Atlas & Gazetteer [4th Edition]. Yarmouth: Delorme 2000
_____________. Georgia Atlas & Gazetteer [3rd Edition]. Yarmouth: DeLorme 2001
______________. North Carolina Atlas & Gazetteer [6th Edition, 2nd Printing]. Yarmouth: DeLorme 2003
Department of Agriculture, US Soil Survey: Alamance County North Carolina Washington D.C. United States Department of Agriculture 1960
Dickens, Roy S. Jr. Cherokee Prehistory: The Pisgah Phase in the Appalachian Summit Region. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.1976
Dobyns, Henry F. Native American Historical Demography: A Critical Bibliography.Bloomington: University of Indiana Pres 1976
Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. New York: W.W. Norton 1997
Driver, Harold E. Indians of North America, Second Edition, Revised. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1969
Dunaway, Stewart E. Henry Eustace McCulloh Survey Book, 1762-1773. Hillsborough: Stewart E. Dunaway 2011
Dunaway, Wilma. The First American Frontier: Transition to Capitalism in Southern Appalachia, 1700-1860. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1996
Earle, Alice Morse. Stage-Coach & Tavern Days. New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1969 [Published in 1969, is an unabridged and unaltered republication of the work originally published by The Macmillan Company in 1900].
Eliot, Charles W., ed. American Historical Documents, 1000-1904, with introductions, notes and illustrations. New York: P.F. Collier & Son. 1910
Emmer, P.C., editor, Colonialism and migration : indentured labour before and after slavery. Boston. Springer. 1986
Engels, Donald W. Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army.Berkeley. 1978
Esposito, Vincent J. Col., Chief Editor. The West Point Atlas of American Wars. New York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers 1959/1960.
Ethridge, Robbie and Hudson, Charles, eds. The Transformation of the Southeastern Indians, 1540-1760.Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. 2008
Fenn, Elizabeth and Peter Wood.Natives and Newcomers: The Way We Lived in North Carolina before 1770. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1983
Fischer, David Hackett. Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America. New York: Oxford University Press. 1989
_______________. Bound Away: Virginia and the Westward Movement. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. 2000
Fischer, Kirsten. Suspect Relations: Sex, Race, and Resistance in colonial North Carolina. Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2002
Forbes, Jack D. Africans and Native Americans: The Language of Race and the Evolution of Red-Black Peoples. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. 1993
Franklin, Wayne. Discoverers, Explorers, Settlers: The Diligent Writers of Early America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1979
Fraser, George McDonald. The Candlemass Road. Pleasantville: The Akadian Press 1993/2001.
_______________. The Steel Bonnets: The Story of the Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers. New York: HarperCollins 1995
Fries, Adelaide L. ed. Records of the Moravians in North Carolina. Raleigh: The State Department of Archives and History 1922/1969. The State Department of Archives and History published eight volumes of Records of the M orarians in North Carolina, during the years 1922 through 1954. Lack of funds and the need to publish other documentary materials relating to the his tory of North Carolina resulted in a decision to end the series of Moravian records with the eighth volume.
______________, ed. The Road to Salem. Winston-Salem: John F. Blair 1993 This volume was gleaned from the memoirs of Anna Catharina Antes (1726-1816), a deaconness in the Morovian Church who left her native Pennsylvania for the wilds of North Carolina. The 1946 text received high praise, such as that in Book Week : "Fries has built all the material into a narrative so rich in atmosphere and sustained in interest that it has much the same quality of a very good historical novel. Her work is extraordinarily deft and sensitive and possesses both warmth and integrity." The volume works as a history, a biography, and a religious title. Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. Galenson, David W., White Servitude in Colonial America: An Economic Analysis. Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1981
_______________. Traders, planters, and slaves : market behavior in early English America. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1986
Gallay, Alan. Indian Slavery in Coloniial America Lincoln University of Nebraska Press2009
_______________. The Indian Slave Trade: The Rise of the English Empire in the American South, 1670-1717. New Haven: Yale University Press 2002
Ganyard, Robert L. The Emergence of North Carolina's Revolutiohary State Government. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and History 1978
George, M. Dorothy. London Life in the Eighteenth ;Century. New York: Capricorn Boooks. 1965
Gibson, Arrell Morgan. The American Indian, Prehistory to the Present. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Co 1980
Author Title Where Published Publisher Yar of PubAnnotatationsCatagoies Goldstein, Eric L. Tranders and Transports: The Jews of Colonial Maryland. Baltimore: The Jewish Historical Society of Maryland, 1993
Gordon, Robert B. Cost and Use of Water Power during Industrializatioon in New England and Great Britain: A Geological Interpretation
Green, Stanton, editor, The Archaeology of frontiers and boundaries. Cambriidge: Academic Press 1985/ 2014. Reprint of the original.
Greene, Ann Norton. Horses at Work: Harnessing Power in Industrial America. Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 2008 xportation
Greene, Jack P. The Quest For Power: The Lower House of Assembly in the Southern Royal Colonies, 1689-1776. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1963 colonial 
__________, ed. Selling a New World: Two Colonial South Carolina Promotional Pamphlets. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press 1989 colonial South
Gregory, J.W. The Story of the Road, from the Beginning down to the Present Day, 2nd Edition London Alexander McIntosh 1938 xportation
Grubb, Farley Ward. Runaway servants, convicts, and apprentices advertised in the Pennsylvania gazette. Baltimore: Genealogical Publications Coc. 1992.
Guthorn, Peter J. American maps and mapmakers of the Revolution. New York: Phillip Freneau Pr 1966
Hairr, John. North Carolina Rivers: Facts, Legends, and Lore Charleston: History Press 2007
Hakluyt, Richard. Voyages to the Virginia Colonies. London: The Folio Society 1986
Hall, David D. Puritanism in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts. New York: Holt Rinehart 1962
Hall, Michael C., Leder, Lawrence H. and Kammen, Michael G., eds.  The Glorious Revolution in America: Documents on the Colonial Crisis of 1689. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1964
Hamilton, T.M. Colonial Frontier Guns. Lansing: Pioneer Pr c.1928.
Hansen, Marcus. The Atlantic Migration : A History of the Continuing Settlement of the United States. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1945
Harrington, J.C. Archaeology and the Enigma of Fort Raleigh. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources 1984
Harriot, Thomas. A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (an unabridged reproduction of the original 1690 test). New York: Dover Press 1972
Harris, R.W. A Short History of Eighteenth Century England. New York: Mentor Books 1963
Hatley, Tom. The Dividing Paths: Cherokees and South Carolinians through the Revolutionary Era. New York: Oxford University Press 1995
Hay, Conran A. and Snavely, Alan N. and Scheitlin, Thaomas E. and Bollinger, Catherine E. and Maher, Thomas O. Archaeological Predictive Models: A New Hanover County Test Case. Raleigh: Division of Archives and History. 1982
Hays, Derek. America Discovered: A Historical Atlas of North American Exploration. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre 2004
Henderson, Archibald. The Conquest of the Old Southwest: The Romantic Story of the Early Pioneers into Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Kentucky 1740-1790 New York: The Centry Co 1920
Herrick, Cheesman Abiah. White servitude in Pennsylvania: indentured and redemption labor in colony and commonwealth. Philadelphia: Clearfield 1926
Higginbotham, A. Leon, In the Matter of Color: Race and the American Legal Process, the Colonial Period. New York: Oxford University Press 1980
Hill, John Sprunt. North Carolina: A story of Triumphant Democracy. An address Delivered at Annual Meeting of Retail Merchants Association, Atlanta, Georgia. Durham(?): John Sprunt Hill (?) c. 1924. Privately printed probably by the author.
Hindle, Paul. Medieval Roads and Tracks. Oxford: Midland House 1982, 1989, and 1998.
Hobbs, Grimsley T. Exploring The Old Mills of North Carolina. Chapel Hill: The Provincial Press 1985
Holton, Woody. Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, Slaves, & the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1999
Hoffman, Paul E. Spain and the Roanoke Voyages. Raleigh: North Carolina Division of Archives and History 1987
_____________. A New Andalucia and a Way to the Orient: The American Southeast during the Sixteenth Century. Baton Rouge: University of Louisiana Press1990
Hofstra, Warren R. The Planting of New Virginia: Settlement and Landscape in the Shenandoah Valley. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press 2004
__________. and Raitz, Karl, eds. The Great Valley Road of Virginia: Shenandoah Landscapes from Prehistory to the Present. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press 2010
Holmes, Oliver W. and Rohrback, Peter T.Stagecoast Eass: Stagecoach Days in the East from the Colonial Period to the Civil War Washingto Smithsonian Institute Press 1983
Howard, Joshua B. "The Most Abandoned Set OF Wretches": North Carolina's Privateering Efforts During the American Revolution, 1776-1783, A Thesis East Carolina University Department of History 2004
Howard, Robert West. The Horse in America. Chicago: Follet 1965
Hulbert, Archcer Butler Red Men's Roads:The Indian Toroughfares of the Central WestColumbus Fred J. Heer Company 1900
_______________. Historic Highways of America Vol 1-16 Cleveland The A.H. Clark Company1902-1905 Ref
Hudgins, Dennis, editor. Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Volume 4. 1732-1741 Richmond: Virginia Genealogical Society1999
Hudson, Charles. The Southeastern Indians. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press1976
_______________. The Juan Pardo Expeditions: Exploration of the Carolinas and Tennessee, 1566-1568. Washington, DC: Smithsonian 1990
_______________. The Forgotten Centuries: Indians and Europeans in the American South, 1521-1704. Athens: University of Georgia Press 1994
Hulbert, Archer B. The Paths of Inland Commerce: A Chronical of Trail, Road, and Waterway. Project Gutenberg Chronicales of America series, v. 21 1972
Humber, John L. Backgrounds and Preparations for the Roanoke Voyages, 1584-1590. Raleigh: America’s Four Hundredth Anniversary Committee, North Carolina Department of Cultural REsources 1986
Hume, Ivor Noel.  Martin’s Hundred: A firsthand account of one of the most important excavations in American historical archaeology:..... New York: Borzoi Books 1979/1982.
Hyde, Anne F. Empires, Nations, and Families:A New History of the American West, 1800-1860 New York HarperCollins 2012
Isenbarger, Dennis L. Native Americans in Early North Carolina, A Documentary History. Raleigh: North Carolina Office of archives and History 2013
Jernegan, Marcus Wilson. Laboring and dependent classes in colonial America, 1607-1783; studies of the economic, educational, and social significance of slaves, servants, apprentices and poor folk. Chicago: Ungar c1931
Jones, Lewis P. South Carolina., A Synoptic History for Laymen, Revised Edition. Lexington: The Sandlapper Store, Inc 1971
Joy, Debra, Stine Linda France, and CVlauser John W, Jr. Catawba River Valley Grist Mill Survey Durham: Legacy Research Associates , Inc 2000
Kars, Marjoleine. Breaking Loose Together: The Reulator Rebellion in Pre-Revoluntionary North Carolina. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002
Katz, William Loren. Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks 1997
Kay, Marvin L Michael and Cary, Louis Lee.Slavery in North Carolina, 1748-1775Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1995
Keel, Bennie C. Cherokee Archaeology: A Study of the Appalachian Summit. University of Tennessee Press, 1976
Keehn, Pauline A. The Effect of Epidemic Diseases on the Natives of North America: An Annotated Bibliography. London: Survival International 1978
Kehoe, Alice B. North American Indians, A comprehensive Account. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall 1981
Author Title Where Published Publisher Yar of PubAnnotatationsCatagoies
Kennedy, Billy. The Scots-Irish in the Shenandoah Valley. Londonderry: Causeway Press 1996
Ketchum, Richard M. The Winter Soldiers. Garden City: Anchor Books 1975
Kern, John. "The politics of violence : colonial American rebellions, protests, and riots, 1676-1747," (Thesis (Ph. D.)Madison -University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1976
Kierner, Cynthia A. Traders and Gentlefolk : the Livingstons of New York, 1675-1790. Ithaca: Cornell University Press 1992
_______________. Beyond the household : women's place in the early South, 1700-1835. Ithaca: Cornell University Press 1998
Klein, Rachel N. Unification of a Slave State: The Rise of the Planter Class in the South Carolina Backcountry, 1760-1808. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1990
Kulikoff, Alan. Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern Cultures in the Chesapeake, 1680-1800. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1986
__________. The Agrarian Origins of American Capitalism Charlottesville University of Virginia Press 1992
__________. From British Peasants to Colonial American Farmers. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 2000
King, Duane H. ed. The Cherokee Indian Nation: A Troubled History. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press1979
Lathrop, Elise, Early American Inns and Taverns New York, 1926 Tudor Publishing (new edition)1935
Lauber, Almon Wheeler. Indian Slavery in Colonial Times with the Present Limits of the United States. [Reprint] Manchester: Cornerhouse Publications(1913) 1970
Landers, John. The Field and the Forge: Population, Production, and Power in the Pre-Industrial West. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003
Lawson, John, edited by Francis Latham Harris. Lawson’s History of North Carolina. Richmond: Garret & Massie 1937/1952.
___________. A New Voyage to Carolina. [Reprint] Naples: Readex Microprint 1966
___________, edited by Hugh Talmage Lefler. A New Voyage to Carolina. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1967
Leach, Douglas Edward Roots of Conflict: British Armed Forces and Colonial Americans, 1677-1763 Chapel Hill Univeristy of North Carolina Press 1989
Leaming, Hugo Proosper,edited by Graham Hodges.Hidden Americans: Maroons of Virginia and the Carolinas, Studies in African American History and Culture. New York: Garland 1995
Leckie, Robert. The Wars of America, Vol I. New York: Harper & Row 1968
Lee, E. Lawrence, Indian Wars in North Carolina, 1663-1763. Raleigh: Tercentenary Commission, 1963; reprinted Raleigh: State Division of Archives and History 1968
Lefler, Hugh T., ed. Orange County, 1752-1952. Printed in Chapel Hill: No copyright 1953
_____________ A New Voyage to Carolina Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 1967
____________ and Powell, William S.Colonial North Carolina. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1973
_____________ and Newsome, Albert Ray. The History of a Southern State: North Carolina. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1954
Lewis, Marcus, W. The Development ofEarly Emigrant Trails  in the Unted States East of the Missippi River. Washington E.C.: National Genealogical Society. 1933/1972
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Lockridge, Kenneth A. The Commonplace Book of William Byrd II of Westover Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 2014
Mancall, Peter C. and James H. Merrell, eds.American Encounters: Natives and Newcomers from European Contact to Indian Removal, 1500-1850. 2nd Edition. New York: Routledge 2006
McCormac, Eugene Irving, White servitude in Maryland, 1634-1820. [Reprint] Whitefish: Kessinger (1904)/2007.
McKee, Samuel D. Labor in Colonial New York, 1664-1776. New York: I.J. Friedman 1935
McIlvenna, Noellen. A Very Mutinous People: The struggle for North Carolina, 1660-1713. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2009
McLuhan, T.C. Touch the Earth: A Self-portrait of Indian Existence New York Promontory Press 1971
McNeill, William H. The Age of Gunpowder Empires, 1450-1800. Washington: American Historical Association 1989
Malone, Henry Thomas. Cherokees of the Old South: A People in Transition. Athens: University of Georgia Press 1956
Mann, Charles C. 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. New York: Vintage Books 2006
Mathis, Mark A. and Jeffrey J. Crow, eds.The Prehistory of North Carolina: An Archaeological Symposium.Raleigh: Division of Archives and History1983
McDowell, Bart. The Revolutionary War. Washington: Washington: The National Geographic Society 1967
Mejoirado-Livingston, Mailyn. Onkwehonoweh(The First Peopole): Tuscarora. Skarohreh Publishing 1997
Merk, Frederick. History of the Westward Movement. New York: Random House 1978
Merrrell, James H. The Catawbas. New York: Chelsea House 1989
_______________. The Indians' New World: Catawbas and Their Neighbors from European Contact Through the Era of Removal . Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1989
______________. Into the American Woods: Negotiators on the Pennsylvania Frontier. New York: W. W. Norton & Company 2000
______________, ed. The Lancaster Treaty with Related Documents. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s 2008
Meyer, Balthasa Henry and Mcgil, Carroline ElizabethHistory of Transportation in the United Statesbefore 1860 Washington, D.C. Carnegie Institute 1917
Milleer, Ann Brush Final Report: CulpepperCounty Roiad Orders 1763-1764
Miller, Helen Hill. Captains from Devon: The Great Elizabethan Seafarers who Won the Oceans for England. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books 1983
_____________. Passage to America: Raleigh’s Colonists Take Ship for Roanoke. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources 1984
_____________. Colonel Parke of Virginia: The Greatest Hector in the Town. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Press 1989
Miller, John C. The Colonial Image: Origins of American Culture. New York: George Braziller Inc 1962
Miller, Lee. Roanoke: Solving the Mystery of the Lost Colony. New York: Penguin Books, Reprint edition2002
Milner, George R., "Epidemic Disease in the the Post Contact Southeast: A Reappraisal," Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology, V (1980) 39-56.
Mills, L. Barron, Jr. Randolph County, A Brief History. Office of Archives and History, North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC (2008).
Milton, Giles. Big Chief Elizabeth: The Adventures and Fate of the First English Colonists in America. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2000)
Mitchell, Robert D. Appalachian Frontiers: Settlement, Society, & Development in the Preindustrial Era, (Lexington, 1991).
Author Title Where Published Publisher Yar of PubAnnotatationsCatagoies _______________, Commercialism and Frontier: Perspectives on the Early Shenandoah Valley (Charlottesville, VA, 1977).
Mofat, Alistair. The Reivers:The Story of the Border Reivers. Edinburgh: Birlinn 2007
Moller, George, Ed. American Military Shoulder Arms, Vol I, Colonial and Revolutionary War Arms. Albuquerque University of New Mexico Press 2011
Mooney, James. James Mooney's History, Myths and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees, Containing the full texts of Myths of the Cherokees (1900) and The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees (1891) as published by the Bureau of American Ethnology. With a new biographical introduction, James Mooney and the Eastern Cherokees by George Ellison. Asheville: Bright Mountain Books 1992
Moote, A. Lloyd. The Seventeenth Century, Europe in Ferment. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Co 1970
Montross, Lynn The Reluctant Rebels: The Story of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers1950
Morgan, Edmund S. American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia. New York: W. W. Norton & Company; Reissue edition ( (1975) 2003
Morgan, Ted. Wilderness at Dawn: The settling of the North American ContinentNew York: Simon & Schuster. 1993
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