In 1733 Emund Moseley was North Carolina's Surveyor General, using his own work probably supplemented by prior work by John Lawson, his predessessor inn that office, produced a map of importance . It is the first published map showing what is now called "Thigpe's Trace", a wagon road arcing across the piedmont, connecting Chesapeake Bay with the Guld of Mexico. It also shows a road matrix in the area north of Albemarle sound that confirms a settlement in that region which dated back to the 1650s. Finally, in an inset map, below the main map, it show's Okracoke Island with an anchorage called "Teaches Hole" immediately off-shore, near a large well, a well suitable for replenishing ships quickly. As Captain Teach was hung for piracy ca 1715, the well is likely to have predated his demise. Taken altogether, it makes North Carolina's history far more interesting than convention teaches it For example, our history books date the settlement of the piedmo...